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 Real Success Stories 

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Baby Averee - Mom's Urgent Medical  Dilemma


Michele recalls...

At two weeks old, Baby Averee’s mom discovered a lump that the doctors wanted to biopsy, so she needed to stop breastfeeding immediately. After trying numerous bottles, she called and by the time I arrived with Baboo, the anxious mom was standing in the kitchen over a pot of boiling water with no less than 10 different bottles in hopes that one of them might work for her baby. She added Baboo to the heaping pile to be boiled. At just two weeks old, the baby appeared so tiny next to the Baboo bottle but she slurped up the nipple just as she had always done while breastfeeding. Her mom’s eyes filled with tears at how easy the transition had been. She slumped to the ground and poured out her heart about the struggle she had been having all week. She shared how she had literally tried every bottle on the market with no luck! They were either too fast of a flow (causing Averee to throw up the entire bottle or be filled with immense gas) or Averee refused to even touch the nipple. Baby Averee happily finished her 2 oz of breastmilk using the Baboo bottle prototype and her mom was in shock as we pulled the bottle from her mouth. There was a ring of milk gently around her lips. Her mom once again began to tear up. She said, “It’s exactly the same as when I breastfeed her!” My heart melted for this new mom facing a mountain and was happy that Baboo could help her navigate their new normal. Averee’s mom went on to face and defeat breast cancer!! Averee is now happy, healthy and thriving! Her mom said she is “eternally grateful for Baboo easing that transition.”

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Baby  Daisy and Baby Brighton - Precious Preemies

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Michele recalls...

I got an urgent FB message, “Are your bottles ready to try?” from a friend who had twins born two months premature and they had just transitioned home from the hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.  Both babies were struggling to get good latches on her breast or the bottles, and even after eating they were very fussy. Each feeding was taking over an hour x 2 infants! Her entire day revolved around feeding and she was tired, stressed and just wanted to be doing her best for the babies. I drove to Philly and hopped on a flight that took me halfway across the country.  After asking some questions, I learned that the twins had been bottle-trained while in the NICU and once that was introduced their breastfeeding memory regressed immediately. Many bottles had claimed to be just like the breast, and she had diligently tried them all. As soon as we swapped out their old bottles and introduced the Baboo prototype they were completely different babies! Their mom was at a loss for words on how easy it was for them to suck on the Baboo bottle. Rather than the hours it normally took, the babies were finished feeding in 20 mins, which is closer to what a breastfeeding duration would be. After that bottle feeding with Baboo, they instantly started breastfeeding better in the next feeding, just 2 hours later. They were not fussy and did not push away the Baboo nipple; instead they were taking more than half of their feedings at the breast for 20+ minutes and the rest with Baboo with an end result of being completely milk drunk asleep! What a precious outcome!

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Baby Isabel - Refusing bottles, Mom's returning to work - oh my goodness!

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Michele recalls...

Facebook Messenger has become a place for desperate friends or friend’s moms to reach out to me in search of this elusive “magic bottle” that can help their precious little one transition between breastfeeding and bottle feeding. Isabel’s story wasn’t any different! Isabel’s mom married one of my high school classmates and she was nearing the end of her maternity leave.  Baby Isabel was having a terrible time taking a bottle and in precisely two weeks Isabel would be going to daycare and her mom had no idea how that was even going to be possible with the intensity of which Isabel hated the bottle nipple. After spending a small fortune looking for anything that her daughter might entertain taking. Isabel wouldn’t keep any bottle in her mouth longer than two seconds! One night after a particularly intense try with a bottle, her husband mentioned that he remembered that a high school classmate was developing a baby bottle that was supposed to be more similar to the breast. After she berated him for withholding such precious knowledge until this moment, she sent me a Facebook message. The next morning I drove three hours to deliver my Baboo prototype to a grateful mom. Isabel, the toughest critic, tensed at the thought of yet again being subjected to yet another horrid bottle. But after one second, she relaxed and sucked. I could audibly hear the mom’s relief in that moment. She sighed, was overcome with emotion and said, “I will be able to go back to work!” She was so thankful and glad that she’d called. Her parting words were, “If moms knew how amazing this bottle was, there wouldn’t even be competition!” 

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